What Is Search Engine Optimization

What Is Search Engine Optimization

Imagine for a minute that you’re a librarian but not a normal in your library in for every book in the world.

What Is Search Engine Optimization People depend on you everyday to find the exact but they need how do you do it? 

Do you need a system? 

You need to know what’s inside every book and how books relate to each other. Your system needs to take in a lot of information and spit out the best answers for patrons questions. It’s not an easy job.

What Is Search Engine Optimization like Google and bing are the Librarians of the internet. Their systems collect information about every page on the web so they can help people find exactly what they’re looking for and every search engine has a secret recipe called an algorithm for turning all that information into useful search results. Now if you don’t know website search results matter when your pages have higher rankings they help more people find you the keys.

What Is Search Engine Optimization Higher rankings is making sure your website has the ingredients search engines need for their recipes this is called search engine optimization or SEO, as it turns out most of the big ingredients are no let’s take a look .First words matter search engines account for every word on the web. In this way when someone searches for shoe repair the What Is Search Engine Optimization results to only the pages that are about those words.

Second titles matter each page on the web has an official title, but you may not ever see it because it’s in the code search engines pay a lot of attention to page titles because they often summarize the page like a book’s title, search links between websites matter when one web page thanks to another. It’s usually a recommendation telling us that there’s this side has good information or a web page with a lot of links coming to it can look good search engines.

What Is Search Engine Optimization But some people try to fill the search engines by creating or buying bogus links. All over the web that point to their own website usually switch. You can scan and detect when a site has a lot of them and they account for it.

What Is Search Engine Optimization By giving links from trustworthy sites, more weight in the recipe for the words that are used in length matter to us if your webpage says Amazon has lots of books and the word books are linked search engines can establish that amazon.com is related to the word books, in this way when someone searches for bugs that side will rank well lastly What Is Search Engine Optimization care about reputation sites with a consistent record of fresh engaging content and growing numbers of quality links may be considered rising stars and do well inserts rankings. These are just the basics and the recipes are refined and changed all the time good as he is about making sure your website has great content that supported by the ingredients, that search engines need for their recipes.

Learn SEO By Info graphics:

On Page SEO Checklist:

OFF Page SEO Strategy 
